Sunday, November 16, 2014

Katie Speaks - "On Fandoms" (a podcast)

This week I recorded a podcast including my thoughts about fandoms.

Here's the link from PodBean:
Download this episode (right click and save)

Take a quick listen and let me know what you think! I'd love to hear some feedback. I had a great amount of fun playing around on Audacity and creating this little podcast, so I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Next Stop Knowledge! (Girl Rising, I Know That Voice, Superheroes, and Inequality for All)

I am a gigantic lover of documentary films and my passion for them has only grown with the aid of Netflix. Netflix has a documentary category filled with films from every perspective about every detail about life - history, science, economics, daily life, sexuality, gender...EVERYTHING. Here are some of my recent favorites currently available on Netflix.

Girl Rising (2013):

Video Credit: Girl Rising, YouTube

Girl Rising follows the stories of nine girls growing up in different parts of the world. If you aren't passionate about increasing access to education and literacy around the world, I strongly encourage you to watch this film. It could open your mind to statistics you didn't even realize and show you just what education can do to better the world. Rating: 5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

I Know That Voice (2013):
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This film follows the many voice actors that play the many iconic characters from the cartoon world that are so dear to you and me. The actors describe how they got into the business and will even give you some pointers on how to make yourself versatile in the voice industry. Rating: 4/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Superheroes (2011):
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Have you ever read the graphic novel or seen the film Kick Ass? Did you know that there actually is a community of real life superheroes living in the United States? These real life superheroes have a somewhat strenuous relationship with the police departments. Some worry that because they don't have formal training in the law and law enforcement, they are putting themselves in a very dangerous position with real criminals. These superheroes have a genuine passion for helping people. But the documentary raises a question of deviance. It takes a certain amount of deviance to be a superhero, but where is the line between vigilante and lawbreaker? Rating: 3.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Inequality for All (2013):

Video Credit: RADiUS-TWC, YouTube

Robert Reich is a hero. I saw Inequality for All for the first time just after I finished economics my senior year of high school. The film blew my mind wide open at the real injustice of the U.S. economy. Reich very clearly explains the the problems in the current economic state and how we got here. He also describes how to solve the crisis of inequality...and why the government isn't doing it. Even those with barley any background in business and economics can understand this documentary easily and enjoy it for Robert Reich's humor and sass. Rating 5/5 pints of Ben and Jerry's.

Friday, November 7, 2014

New Indie Films Added! (Liberal Arts, In A World..., Kinky Boots, and Mr. Nobody)

I don't know about you...but I am a huge fan of independent films. Several of my favorites fall into this category, including Into the Wild, Kings of Summer, Little Miss Sunshine, and The Way Way Back. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that some new indie films had been recently added to Netflix and I began throwing them onto My List. Here's what I've got for you this week.

Liberal Arts (2012):

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Josh Radnor (How I Met Your Mother) stars in this film about a 35-year-old man who just can't seem to 'grow up'. He's going through a bit of a 1/3 life crisis when he meets Zibby, a student attending his former university. This is an interesting film about how to move on after college and step into the role of an adult while maintaining who you are. Rating: 2.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

In a World... (2013):

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I flipping loved this movie. I've never considered myself a fan of Lake Bell, but I really think she hit it out of the park with this film. In a World... is a fantastic movie about the voice-over industry and it's aversion to girls. It's a feminist film that calls for women to get passionate about something and go for it. Simple as that. With humor that is "funny because it's true", In a World... was my favorite watch this week. Rating: 3.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Kinky Boots (2005): 

Video credit: GLBT Movie Trailers, YouTube

This British film was adapted from the true story of shoe factory that was saved by finding its own niche market - making women's shoes for men. The film was very entertaining. But I especially appreciated how it directly confronted the stereotypes associated with cross-dressing and gender identity. Rating: 3/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Mr. Nobody (2009):

Video credit: hollywoodstreams, YouTube

Mr. Nobody tells the tale of Nemo Nobody, 117 years old and the last mortal on earth. This sci-fi film will force you to think about the realities and possibilities of time, because this movie isn't about the end of mortality as we know much as it is about the ability to bend and control the events on a timeline based on the choices we make. Freaky, right? However, this movie feels super long, 2 hours and 19 minutes to be exact. But hey, that's 2 hours and 19 minutes of Jared Leto's beautiful face, so it might just be worth your time. Rating: 3.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Forget Your Troubles (House M.D. - TV-14)

Dr. Gregory House (played by the infamous Hugh Laurie) is an insanely tough doctor with a problematic God/guilt complex. He's one of the best doctors in the United States and... he's addicted to vicodin. While I'd seen an episode of House M.D. here or there on television, it was never a show I kept up with weekly. My friend recommended that I give it a go on Netflix (all seasons, 1-8 are available to stream instantly).

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The show starts out simple and entertaining. Dr. House has a dry sense of humor, but he's so brilliant that his pranks (purely for his own amusement) are complicated and captivating.

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The characters quickly convince you to hate the rules of the medical system as much as they do, and you will find yourself cheering them on as they cheat the system to save a life. Of course, it doesn't always work out, because the reality is that not every life can be saved. If we wanted to choose one theme to encompass the entire eight seasons of House M.D., it would simply be ethics. What does it mean to be ethical? Are ethics flexible? When is it okay to violate ethics?

It's the root of every struggle the characters face in House M.D. Patients lie. Doctors lie. Each doctor has to face a battle with loneliness. But perhaps the greatest struggle in this show is Dr. House's struggle with happiness. He believes that being happy makes him a worse doctor.

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The show quickly takes on some darker themes of morality and mortality.

The coolest thing about this show is that I have experienced love and hate for each character. This show will force you to see the dynamic good and bad in every person - and that sometimes it is necessary to break the rules of morality for the sake of mortality. Rating: 4.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Cue the Musical Montage. (Glee - TV-PG)

I used to watch Glee religiously. It actually fostered my interest in joining theater in high school. I was looking for community. Glee depicted a family of cutthroat drama lovers...exactly what I found in high school...and I loved it.

First of all, Glee is downright funny. The wit and the sass make me smile non-stop.

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Glee also tackles some of the serious social issues definitive of high school. These topics include sexuality, school violence, insecurity, college fears, bullying, parent pressure, peer pressure, anxiety disorders and mental illness, and physical disabilities, just to name a few...

Video Credit: Major Gleeks, YouTube

Plus the Christmas music is my absolute favorite.

Video Credit: AnskyLun, YouTube

I always found Glee to be thoroughly entertaining. Who could guess that this show is produced by the same man who makes American Horror Story? And while the most recent seasons took a bit of a plummet, mainly due to the cast additions not being incorporated well, the show still cranks out some awesome covers that will make you want to turn on the subtitles and sing along. Seasons 1 - 4 are available to stream instantly on Netflix. Rating: 4/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Un Voyage au Cinéma! (Amélie, La Fée, Populaire)

Let's take a field trip to France! I've got three French films for you today. All are cute, feel-goods suitable for a chilly fall evening cuddled up in a blanket with some 'chocolat chaud'.

Amélie (2001):

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Amélie is a sweet girl who, despite an unlucky childhood, became an independent woman with a soft spot for the lonely. She is a curious one. She likes noticing the details of life that others tend to ignore. I love the way this movie is filmed with its added supplemental information and varying motion. The look of the movie is sort of avant garde. And the soundtrack - just yes. Warning: plenty of sex in this film - very French. Any time I'm asked for a foreign film recommendation, I ask if they've seen Amélie. I consider it somewhat of a classic. Rating: 5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's. 

La Fée (2011):

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A very sweet film. A modern fairytale. It bounces off of cartoon-style humor to carry a playful tone throughout the film. It's creative use of low budget items made me giggle - grocery bags as jellyfish, etc. The uniqueness of this film is entertaining in itself.

The movie contains minimal dialogue, which makes some points feel as though they drag on and on. But I was in love with La Fée by the moment Dom was saved from choking on a ketchup bottlecap. Rating: 3/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's. 

Populaire (2013):

Video Credit: MOVIECLIPS Trailers, YouTube

Rose is the most adorable person - but do not underestimate her. She wants to be a modern woman and for a young lady in late '50s France, that dream consists of being a secretary. Rose can type so quickly that her boss has her enter a speed-typing competition and things take off from there. Rose is tough and concentrated. This is her talent and she works her butt of to become the best. I was bothered by the sexist themes in this film...catty women, her boss's mind games. Rose deals with these problems delicately. She wants only a man who will treat her as his equal and let her kick butt at what she does best. 

Though I was frustrated by the men in this film, Rose did come out on top - proving to everyone that even a klutz can be a champion. Warning: one sultry sex scene in this film - oh le français! Rating: 4/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Well... I'm terrified. (American Horror Story: Asylum - TV-MA)

I first tried to watch American Horror Story when the Season 1, AHS: House, was added to Netflix. I just couldn't get into it. There was too much violence and not enough story. My friend encouraged me to give it another shot when Season 3, AHS: Coven, was showing on FX. I hated it, too. But my brother had seen a few episodes from Season 2, AHS: Asylum, and said he found it quite interesting. I found it on Netflix and gave it a shot.

After just the first few episodes, I was hooked. The show tackles the bizarre and unexplainable head on in gory detail. While I'm usually more of a fan of shows like NBC's Hannibal that handle dark topics with provocative grace, there is something enticing about the raunchy, raw quality of American Horror Story. What can I say? I like weird. I'm also enjoying the current season, AHS: Freak Show, on FX so far.

Warning: do not make the decision to binge AHS lightly!! This show gets dark. Seriously. Rape, murder, and torture are common happenings in American Horror Story. It does get scary and it does get uncomfortable. I do not recommend bingeing this show simply because it will wreck you. Don't watch so much so fast that it gets stuck in your head. Space it out to enjoy it - because the suspense of not knowing is half the fun.

Despite the horrific occurrences that fill most of the show's time, there are some darn good moments in AHS: Asylum that make the whole thing worthwhile. I had two favorites. The Name Game and Lana's escape.

The Name Game was a moment of comic relief during a very intense episode. And I'll admit the song was stuck in my head the whole afternoon.

Video credit: American Horror Story, YouTube

You cannot help but get attached to Lana Winters. She's a journalist who enters the asylum with one purpose - to expose it. Things take a turn for the evil when she gets committed and is subjected to cruel manners of torture, making her all the more determined to take Briarcliff down. When she managed to escape the asylum with a tape holding key evidence, I applauded, thinking, This is it, she is going to take them down! (However...her trouble with Briarcliff doesn't end with her escape. Turns out evil is a pretty good stalker.)

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As I said, this show contains some extremely dark content. It drains you of your emotional energy and it could give you nightmares. But I found AHS: Asylum to be a very satisfying watch. Seasons 1-3 available to stream on Netflix. Rating 3.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Everything I Know about Fashion, I Learned from Betty Suarez. (Ugly Betty - TV-PG)

Let me tell you about this little show my brother and I binged about a year and a half ago. It was the bright colors and aura of sass that caught our attention. When we found Ugly Betty on Netflix, we were hooked.

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This show was actually a big part of my decision to get involved in mass media. I find Betty super inspiring. She's honest about her fears and her insecurities. But she takes major risks on a daily basis despite them because she knows that there is the potential for great payoff. Her coworkers at the fashion magazine try to tear her down, and sometimes it gets to her. She doesn't lie about not caring what others think...she does...but she makes an effort to be herself anyway. This is who she is. Unapologetically. 

Video credit: FilmsLobby, YouTube

The show, being about a fashion magazine, also brings about some interesting social commentary. From Season 1, Betty and Daniel Meade try to take the magazine in a different direction. They're tired of working with plastic looking models and publishing editorials about eating disorders. 

We get an inside look on a cutthroat industry...these people can be downright evil to each other just to move up in rank. But Betty doesn't play their game. She tries to come by success honestly the end, that pays off immensely. 

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So if you're looking for a quirky, but heart-felt comedy to binge. Ugly Betty would likely suit your fancy. Rating: 4.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Who's that girl? Sadly, not me. (New Girl - TV-14)

As a huge fan of Zooey Deschanel [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, (500) Days of Summer] and Jake Johnson (Safety Not Guaranteed, Drinking Buddies), I had high hopes for this show from the get-go. And I have not been disappointed. Yes, the show is sitcom-y and some episodes are better than others. But I have squirmed and giggled and squealed like the ultimate girl the whole way through.

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It's a-typical, it's imbalanced, and it's slightly controversial. Basically this show is just the best case scenario of a girl living with three (later four) guy roommates. This dynamic permits some really awkward moments of hilarity. The writing is just so witty! I find the jokes genuinely funny and I laugh or roll my eyes at each one.

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Lemme let you in on a little secret... 

I like to imagine myself in New Girl....basically just as Jessica Day...because she's my spirit animal. She's full of inner feist and still believes in the good of humanity. She just wants to be herself and make people happy. And that's admirable. She's straight up weird but she has awesome people in her life that love her anyway.

I just really wish I could get into mini-misadventures with this troupe. And I most definitely want their apartment. I dream of toasting english muffins and brewing tea in their kitchen. 

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If you're looking for a cutsie show that's also funny enough to make your significant other laugh, New Girl is your jam. Seasons 1-3 are available on Netflix. Who's that girl? It's JESS. Rating: 3/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Monster Hunter = My New Dream Job (Supernatural - TV-14)

Prepare yourself for a bit of personal backstory.

I heard of this show several years ago and, honestly, was never quite interested. That is...until I joined Tumblr. GIFs of Supernatural popped up on my dashboard often, mainly due to a friend of mine who also loves the show. It began to feel like an inside joke that I didn't get because I wasn't in the group! Obviously, I had to check it out. When I noticed it was on TV, I watched a couple of episodes. My first episodes ever were 8.2 and 8.20. Then, I got busy and forgot about it until this July. I started from the beginning and was in love by Season 3. I just finished Season 8 this week. (Seasons 1-8 are currently available on Netflix.) It's now my personal goal to get through Season 9 on Hulu by the television premiere of Season 10 on Oct. 7. 

Video credit: The CW Television Network

This show means a lot to me, personally, because some of the main themes in the story arc mirror themes I'm dealing with in my own life and seeing those presented as real and valid in a television series is...special. You don't see television get deep very often.

First of all, I am always shocked that this show doesn't have a larger fanbase in my hometown area. The very first episode opens in Lawrence, KS, of all places, and is Sam and Dean's hometown. Lawrence is about 20 minutes from my own hometown! The apocalypse, in the show, takes place just outside of Lawrence's city limits. Much later in the series (Season 8), Sam and Dean take refuge in a hunter group's abandoned lair in the rural area of Topeka, KS. Seriously, my friends, I feel like we need a memorial here for these brave souls who have been keeping us safe from the supernatural since 2005.

The basics of the show are simple enough. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) Winchester are brothers who pride themselves in being the best monster hunters in the Midwest. They are always on the road taking on cases and battling angels, demons, ghosts, and all other manner of hellish creatures. The only recompense for their job is the knowledge that another individual, another family, is safe.

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As I said before, this show deals with some pretty intense themes - not necessarily what you'd expect from a show about 24/7 Halloween. God, guilt, and trust come up OFTEN and it's really cool to see how they deal with these as regular human beings...who just happen to hunt demons on the side.

Granted, Supernatural is NOT for the average television junkie. It's certainly not everyone's cup of tea content wise, especially if you're not one to make room for religious coexistences and bending.

But I love that it breaks all of the rules of television - sending the characters to the 'real world', various sitcom humor...and the king of Hell watches far more Disney than you would think. And oh my gosh...Felicia Day's appearances are the greatest.

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There are times that the plot gets lost or tiresome and the emotions get hazy or seem exaggerated - which is to be expected from a show of this nature. But, personally, I LOVE THIS SERIES. It's created a place for itself very close to my heart and I am officially a fan. Rating: 3.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

My Brain Hurts...In the Best Possible Way (Sherlock - TV-14)

I've been Sherlock-ed! This freaking show. Let me tell you. Sherlock is a BBC made television series based on the infamous legend of Sherlock Holmes. Each episode is a modernized tale taken almost directly from the original novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Complexity and completed tales are allowed because each episode is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes long... So be quite aware of this before you try to watch an entire season in an afternoon.

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The show features Benedict Cumberbatch (Star Trek: Into Darkness - Khan, The Hobbit - Necromancer) as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman (A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Arthur Dent, The Hobbit - Bilbo Baggins) as his partner Dr. John Watson. Seasons 1-3 are currently available on Netflix with three episodes per season. If you watch this show - ye be warned - you will get attached and you will want more. However, Sherlock is not expected to return to British television until 2016... and who knows when it will become available in the US.

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I was immediately attached to Sherlock because of its movie-like detail. It has developed theme music and pretty incredible special effects. Each episode takes you on the twisted journey of solving a case and wraps it up completely by the end of the episode - no loose strings. At the same time, the central plot involving the main characters continues and develops from episode to episode.

Sherlock, himself, is instantly lovable. I'm not kidding you. Male or female, you will either fall in love with this man or you will wish you were just like him. Benedict Cumberbatch is fantastic at portraying a man who is honest about his social-ineptness as well as being insanely brilliant. And that, of course, makes him quirky, ridiculously sassy, and utterly hilarious.

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There's also an obvious theme of brotherhood throughout the series. Sherlock and John grow close quickly and maintain a strong bond that carries through the story. Of course, that leads to plot development when life takes interesting turns...

I definitely recommend Sherlock to anyone looking for a show that includes genuinely British men, a show for the not-so-average-crime-series lovers, or a show that takes A LOT of investment. Rating: 4.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Robin Williams Tribute (Flubber; Goodmorning, Vietnam; The Birdcage; Aladdin)

Today, I will discuss four films featuring the late, great Robin Williams. Since his death, Netflix has added numerous shows featuring this lost actor. And since September 7th-13th was National Suicide Prevention Week and September 10th was World Suicide Prevention Day, I thought it was only fitting to feature Robin Williams for this week's post. Now I'm sure you're thinking, Ugh, another tribute post. Well get over yourself. Because he was a fantastic and talented man and he deserves to be commended for his good work.

The four films I have for you today are Flubber, Good Morning, Vietnam, The Birdcage, and of course Disney's Aladdin.

Flubber (1997):

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Ah, Flubber. I was just tiny when this movie was released on VHS! It has always been one of those films that is difficult to find and ridiculously satisfying to watch. I was insanely happy when I saw that it had been added to Netflix Instant Play. If you're looking for a film with a good moral lesson that will satisfy your inner science geek, choose Flubber. Rating: 3/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Good Morning, Vietnam (1987): 

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I watched this movie specifically for this project. Never had I seen it before. And let me tell you, it was a marvelous experience. As a history buff, I loved the attention to details in this movie. It spouted a bit of political commentary about American foreign policy and overseas involvement. And even though this movie was made twenty-seven years ago about a war that ended forty years's still very much relevant today. Rating: 4.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

The Birdcage (1996):

YouTube credit: Bob Keefe

It felt weird watching this movie again... I was watching The Birdcage with my family the night Robin Williams died. When we found out the next morning, it was shocking. Someone with so much light and laughter still had his demons to face. The Birdcage is hilarious. The film features Robin Williams and Nathan Lane as partners who own and live above a nightclub. We laughed the whole way through. So if you're looking for a film that will make your heart happy, I think you'll find that The Birdcage will suit your fancy. Rating 4.5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Aladdin (1992): 

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Right in the feels. How could one have a Robin Williams movie night without including Aladdin? The beloved Genie sings some of the most recognizable Disney songs in this fantastic film. And who says it's just for children? Aladdin sits in a category that anyone at any age can appreciate with just a little heart. Rating: 5/5 pints of Ben & Jerry's.

Happy marathoning!

Friday, September 12, 2014

An Introduction

Well, before I begin logging my spectacular adventures through the bottomless chasm that is Netflix... Allow me to tell you a little bit about myself and why I am beginning this blog.

So this is me. I like root beer and I suck at selfies.

(Photo credit: myself.)

My name is Katie Wade and I am a lover of the internet and media. I'm addicted to television and movies and I find that the best way to indulge is through Netflix. Some would say that I consume an unhealthy amount...but I justify it by saying that as a media major, it is essential that I keep up with available media content. I just like stories, okay? In any form that they're told. Books, music, theatre, etc...they're used to tell stories and I enjoy them all. But movies and television are different in that the stories are visually presented in the greatest of detail. It's so easy to get attached to specific characters and their plots. By watching, I take time to get to know them. I invest in them. I guess that's why I like Netflix. It houses my favorite characters and stories in a place that I can visit whenever I want. And that's pretty darn cool.

So why did I choose to start logging my Netflix-istential experience? (Get used to the puns...more are coming your way.) Well, for starters, this is a project for my media class. And in brainstorming, this is what came to mind. If you're here looking for simple movie/series reviews... This is not the blog you're looking for. While I'll likely include my thoughts and recommendations about my current binges, more often than not, I will look deeper into the material and the messages it tries to convey. I'm an intuitive mind and I like to analyze. Let me do my thing and I promise you won't be disappointed. Those is the ground rules. 

So come along with me and my good friend, Laptop, as we travel deeper into the abyss of Netflix. 

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