Friday, September 12, 2014

An Introduction

Well, before I begin logging my spectacular adventures through the bottomless chasm that is Netflix... Allow me to tell you a little bit about myself and why I am beginning this blog.

So this is me. I like root beer and I suck at selfies.

(Photo credit: myself.)

My name is Katie Wade and I am a lover of the internet and media. I'm addicted to television and movies and I find that the best way to indulge is through Netflix. Some would say that I consume an unhealthy amount...but I justify it by saying that as a media major, it is essential that I keep up with available media content. I just like stories, okay? In any form that they're told. Books, music, theatre, etc...they're used to tell stories and I enjoy them all. But movies and television are different in that the stories are visually presented in the greatest of detail. It's so easy to get attached to specific characters and their plots. By watching, I take time to get to know them. I invest in them. I guess that's why I like Netflix. It houses my favorite characters and stories in a place that I can visit whenever I want. And that's pretty darn cool.

So why did I choose to start logging my Netflix-istential experience? (Get used to the puns...more are coming your way.) Well, for starters, this is a project for my media class. And in brainstorming, this is what came to mind. If you're here looking for simple movie/series reviews... This is not the blog you're looking for. While I'll likely include my thoughts and recommendations about my current binges, more often than not, I will look deeper into the material and the messages it tries to convey. I'm an intuitive mind and I like to analyze. Let me do my thing and I promise you won't be disappointed. Those is the ground rules. 

So come along with me and my good friend, Laptop, as we travel deeper into the abyss of Netflix. 

(GIF credit:

1 comment:

  1. What's up Katie! Definitely pumped to read your blog over the semester... I'm an addict too. Keep the jokes coming, I like that sense of quirky humor in your posts. Minor criticism since that's what we are suppose to do: make sure to check for grammatical and spelling errors. Trust me mine will have lots!
